If you want to have an incredible 2008 despite having bipolar disorder, then…

“Do You Know The 7 Secrets Of Living With Bipolar Disorder For 2008?"

If You’re Tired of Letting Bipolar Disorder Boss You Around And “It” Being In Control Instead Of You Being In Total Control Of “It”, Keep Reading to Discover How to Free Yourself from the Grip of This Hideous Disorder And Be The Success You Know You Can Be

From the desk of: David Oliver


Dear Friend,

If you have bipolar disorder and want to be stable and successful and not let the disorder hold you back then this will be the most important message you ever read.

I am going to tell you right now if you have bipolar disorder:

bullet YOU can be a success.
bullet YOU Can be super successful as a matter of fact.
bullet YOU can manage it.
bullet YOU can control it.
bullet YOU can do the things you want to do.
bullet YOU can have the life you want to have.
bullet YOU can balance and stabilize yourself.

Here’s the deal. In this “negative about people with bipolar disorder” world you won’t hear that from many people. How do I know? Well I have a whole lot of experience and I have 8 people who work for me with bipolar disorder. Read on to know why I know this disorder so well.

But I want to tell you something before we get started, okay?

I am NOT a psychiatrist, therapist or connected with any drug company.

IF you are looking for information from or written by one of these sources, please STOP reading this. I don’t want to mislead you.

But if you are looking for information and answers written by someone who has been there so to speak and has practical knowledge that “regular” people can understand and will not talk down to you, then please keep reading.

Bipolar disorder can be a nightmare.

If you’re like most people who are struggling to come to grips with their bipolar disorder diagnosis and the huge impact the disorder has on every aspect of your life, you’re probably:

  • Scared that your life will never be “normal”
  • Exhausted by the roller coaster of manic and depressive episodes
  • Mad that you have to be on medication the rest of your life … and wondering if there isn’t a better way to treat your disorder
  • Annoyed that the medications you’re taking are causing nasty side effects
  • Frustrated that your doctors can’t seem to figure out the best combination and/or dosages of drugs that will make you feel better … and “normal”
  • Fearful that you’re doomed to remaining single or, if married, fearful of whether your spouse will ask for a divorce … because who would ever want to stay with someone who has such a horrible disorder.
  • Worried that you’ll be shunned and gossiped about by your neighbors, co-workers and friends.
  • Doubtful that you’ll ever be fully independent and able to hold down a good-paying, full-time job
  • Skeptical about whether you’ll be able to support a household and own your own house
  • Terrified that if you have – already have – kids, that you might “infect” them with this horrible disorder.
  • Sad that you might never be able to finish school and get the degrees you need to pursue your biggest career goals
  • Worried about if you’ll ever be able to afford the expensive medications and high-priced medical bills
  • Wondering how you’ll ever be able to find time for all of the appointments with your doctors and therapists
  • Dreading to discover what type of crazy behavior your next bipolar episode will cause that will alienate your friends and family.
  • Doubtful that your loved ones will ever forgive you for the horrible things you’ve said and done (that you can’t remember because you were manic at the time)
  • Terrified that you’ll follow through on the impulse to kill yourself during a depressive episode

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Most people who have bipolar disorder suffer from these fears (and more) when they are in the early stages of dealing with their disorder.

And if you’re tired of feeling worried, scared, frustrated and mad, there’s good news.

I Can Help You Become Successful

Hi, my name is David Oliver. I’m the founder of The Leverage Team, an online resource center for people with bipolar disorder and their supporters.

My mom has had bipolar disorder since she was a teen. I’ve been her primary supporter since 2004, when she had the worst bipolar episode of her life.

In a matter of weeks, she went from having a great job, paying her bills on time, having extra money on hand, being surrounded by lots of good friends, and have close relationships with our family … to skipping work (and losing her job) … racking up $30,000+ in debt … yelling and screaming at everyone, every day … and alienating most of our relatives (including my older brother) and her friends.

One day, she’d be happy. The next day, she’d be sad. For a few hours, she’d be the life of the party, all bubbly and full of energy. Then she’d sink into a deep depression and go to bed for days.

I knew that there was something wrong with her. But I didn’t know what. And because she and her parents made so many mistakes managing her bipolar early on -- especially in the first 2 or 3 years after she was diagnosed – my family didn’t know how to help her.

I basically remembered that a long time ago my dad had said my mom had “manic” something. I didn’t remember the second part. But what I did do is go to the library and tell them all my mom’s symptoms and that I thought she had manic something.

The reference librarian told me it sounded like “manic depression” which she told me was the old term for something called “bipolar disorder.”

Can you imagine – we were so out of touch with the latest treatments and research about bipolar disorder that I didn’t even know the right name for her disorder! Not to mention I didn’t even know she really had a disorder. I know it sounds odd but that’s the way we dealt with it. Just don’t talk about it.

I share this with you because I want you to know that I UNDERSTAND YOUR SITUATION. I’ve seen firsthand how bipolar disorder can destroy lives and relationships. I’ve learned through years of expensive and painful experience what it takes to go from being controlled by bipolar disorder … to living with the disorder successfully. I’ve seen how much fear and suffering it causes for the people who have this dreaded disorder.

And I don’t want you to suffer the way that my mom and family has.

That’s why I’m writing.

Discover the 7 Most Important Secrets for Living with Bipolar Disorder

I’ve written a special handbook for people just like you – people who have recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and now are wondering “Now what?” People who’ve been living with the disorder for awhile, but who haven’t gotten their bipolar disorder under control enough to live even a remotely normal life.

7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder (That You Probably Don’t Know) is a guide that delivers the most powerful and helpful information you need to put yourself on the fastest possible track to success with bipolar disorder?

What Is Success Anyway?

I have been using the term success. As it stands now, I have 8 people who work for me with bipolar disorder. So I posed this question to them as well. We feel that success is when you are able to live the life that you want to live and hit the goals that you set for yourself.

Unfortunately, with many people with bipolar disorder, doing this is usually very difficult because they spend so much time in “bipolar episodes” or recovering from bipolar episodes.

The people who work for me are very successful with their bipolar disorder. And in my guide I share their secrets. BUT, it’s taken most of them 8 to 20 years to “figure out” how to manage and be successful with bipolar disorder.

I think it’s really sad that with our medical treatment centers, they don’t even tell you half of what you need to know when you are dealing with bipolar disorder. They let you stumble and fumble around for years figuring it out on your own. And then when you don’t figure it out fast enough, they blame you.

I have argued with many of the doctors that I encounter where I volunteer in mental health organizations that the “system” is broken and it’s the “system” that doesn’t give people with bipolar disorder the right information.

How do I know? Well through volunteering, having over 160,000 people who are on my bipolar breaking news mailing list, talking to the people who work with me who have bipolar disorder and interviewing lots of people, I have come to this conclusion.

If You Get One Thing From This Letter,
Please Get This

Nobody is going to tell you this probably but I will. You don’t know me well but if you were my friend you would know that I am sincere when I say this. “It’s not your fault.” If you are struggling with bipolar disorder I am 99% certain that it’s because you didn’t ever get the right information. It’s not like you wanted to struggle and have problems you just didn’t get the right guidance. And you didn’t get “the secrets.”

And believe it or not, there are secrets to managing and controlling bipolar disorder. Is this hype? NO.

I discovered all of these secrets back when my mom was so sick. Things were so bad – and my dad and brother were in so much denial – that I literally had no choice but to quit working so I could take care of her. Figuring out what was wrong with her – and then figuring out how to help her – became my full-time job for 9 long months.

I started with the library, getting my hands on every book that’s ever been published on bipolar disorder. To tell you the truth, this really wasn’t helpful, because most books talk about WHY you get bipolar disorder, not how to cope with it. The books actually made me depressed. They offered really no hope. It was either very technical or a sad story like, “I have bipolar disorder and it’s really bad. My life has been so bad and now I am doing okay.”

I didn’t want my mom to do “okay.” I wanted her to do GREAT!

So I started investigating other sources of information. I read articles, college textbooks, and similar materials. I started interviewing doctors, therapists, hospital workers, social workers, and bipolar individuals. I attended support groups and started compiling information, making notes, and creating checklists. My main goal was to get my mom better – and to NEVER repeat what was happening.

The biggest thing I did is seek out successful people with bipolar disorder and find out what they were doing. When I did, I was amazed. Not to mention, I was amazed with all the people in super high positions that had bipolar disorder. You would NEVER know it from looking at them.

By the time I was done, I had accumulated a body of information that rivals the top medical libraries in the world. I discovered information that most people with bipolar disorder (and many of their doctors too, to be perfectly honest) don’t even know exists.

The information I discovered changed our lives. My mom got so bad she was non-functional. Not only was she yelling and screaming constantly, she was also lying and racking up huge amounts of debt on her charge cards. She lost her job and alienated her friends.

Today, she’s one of the highest-functioning people with bipolar disorder that I know. (And I’ve met tens of thousands of people with this disorder, so that says a lot.)

Her mood is stable. And she knows how to spot an episode that’s coming on and get the help she needs to minimize its severity. She works part time, has paid off most of her debt, and has rebuilt loving relationships with her friends and relatives.

When I saw how much I had learned that even most medical professionals don’t understand – and how powerful this information is – I knew I had to share it with the world. That’s when I launched my organization.

Once people started seeing results from the system I had created for managing bipolar, word spread quickly. Pretty soon I was getting more than 30 phone calls a day from people who wanted help managing their or their loved one’s bipolar disorder. My email filled up each day to the point my server couldn’t handle any more messages.

Over the past few years, I’ve listened carefully as people with bipolar disorder tell me how they manage their disorder. I’ve watched carefully as they’ve implemented my system. And I’ve identified the 7 most important and effective strategies you need to do to get yourself on the road to recovery and stability.

That’s what you get when you get your copy of 7 Secrets to Living with Successfully Bipolar Disorder.

See for yourself what you’ll find out.

Here’s Just A Taste Of What You’ll Discover

Below is a sneak peak of all the things you’ll find out. Although there are 7 main secrets, within each secrets there are many things you’re going to learn that you won’t hear anywhere else:

bullet One of the most common and understandable mistakes made by people who are supporting loved ones with bipolar disorder (page 12)
bullet Do your family and friends think you’re using bipolar disorder as an “excuse” for inappropriate behavior? Here’s what they need to understand (page 13)
bullet 4 creative ways to help your kids understand how bipolar disorder affects your brain (page 37)
bullet The five-point formula you need to understand to gain control over bipolar disorder (page 14)
bullet The thing you might be doing that will make it practically impossible to move on with living a normal life despite having bipolar disorder (page 16)
bullet 6 easy ways to instantly save at least $50 a week (page 53)
bullet Why medication plays such a key role in recovering from bipolar disorder (page 17)
bullet The 6 most common side effects of medication … and 27 ways to minimize their impact (page 32)
bullet The truth about whether you really have to take medication the rest of your life (page 18)
bullet 5 things you can do to make taking your bipolar medications more pleasant and easier to remember (page 19)
bullet 4 questions to consider when determining the best medical professionals to work with (page 20)
bullet Why trusting your medical team completely is a huge (but understandable) mistake … and the two most important people who should be on your team to avoid your being sent down the wrong path (page 22)
bullet The real key to successfully coping with bipolar disorder … and how not having this tool makes your efforts to live with the disorder ineffective at best – and dangerous at worst (page 13)
bullet The insider patient-relation secrets that most people don’t know … and how to use them to avoid being treated like a faceless number when you visit your doctor (page 23)
bullet All doctors are not the same. Here’s how to find the best medical professionals for YOU (page 24)
bullet How changing the way you describe your bipolar disorder makes the difference between being controlled by the disorder … or living a relatively normal life (page 26)
bullet The surprising reason that people with bipolar disorder can’t achieve everything their families expect them to do (I promise – you’ll feel sick after reading this one) (page 12)
bullet 11 ways to make it easier to manage your medications (page 29)
bullet 3 simple changes that can dramatically reduce the side effects of your bipolar medication … and what to do first if you want to try one of these ideas (page 30)
bullet Have you been tortured by the thought that you did something to cause your bipolar disorder? Here’s some information to help you answer that question once and for all (page 15)
bullet How to rebuild trust with the people closest to you (page 57)
bullet How to tell when your side effects are severe enough to require immediate medical treatment (page 31)
bullet The 5 most important behaviors to assess and monitor to effectively manage your bipolar disorder (page 41)
bullet The role that over-the-counter medications and supplements can play in treating bipolar disorder … and the shocking reason they can create a life-threatening situation if you’re not careful (page 36)
bullet The fatal mistake that 1 out of 10 people with bipolar disorder makes (page 17)
bullet When to tell your kids about your bipolar disorder … and how much to share with them (page 37)
bullet The 5-95 Rule … and how it practically guarantees that you’ll receive extraordinary medical care (page 23)
bullet 8 common ways that people with bipolar disorder destroy their finances … and the 3-step formula that will get you on track to financial stability (page 49)
bullet The 5-word mantra that will transform the way you feel about your disorder … and how society treats you (page 26)
bullet The tool your doctor should ask you to use to help identify your triggers and recognize patterns in your bipolar disorder (page 39)
bullet The two most important forms that your supporters will need to help you manage the disorder – they’re yours to use (page 77-79)
bullet The activity most people give up in their teenage years that’s incredibly powerful for managing your fears, worries and thoughts about bipolar disorder (page 41)
bullet The 6 professionals you’ll probably need to work with to completely cope with bipolar disorder (page 20)
bullet The 18 most common signs of stress that people with bipolar disorder experience … and 8 proven ways to reduce your stress levels (page 44)
bullet 7 other handy quizzes and checklists to help you and your supporters monitor your bipolar disorder (pages 84-90)
bullet The top 6 methods for handling the unusual and incredible level of stress that’s caused by your bipolar disorder (page 44)
bullet Should you tell your significant other about your bipolar disorder … or spare them the pain of finding out about this life-changing disorder? You might be surprised by the answer … (page 36)
bullet The source of a great deal of stress … and why most people never identify it (you’ll probably be shocked when you read this) (page 46)
bullet The two categories of issues that cause stress … and the differences in how these issues affect your ability to manage your bipolar disorder (page 43)
bullet Feeling lonely … like no one else can really understand what it’s like to deal with bipolar disorder? Then you’ll be stunned when you read this tidbit of information (page 27)
bullet 9 ways that people with bipolar disorder lose control of their spending … and how to ensure that your monthly budget is 100% accurate (page 52)
bullet 3 proven relaxation techniques that will calm your mind and body (page 45)
bullet The top 4 situations that are most likely to trigger a bipolar episode (page 54)
bullet 5 serious questions to ask yourself before you decide to have children (page 38)
bullet The best person to make your #1 supporter … and how to enlist their help to gain the trust of other people in your life (page 57)
bullet The 4 areas in which you can change your behavior to prove that you are trustworthy (page 59)
bullet The 3 main types of bipolar disorder … and how the symptoms of manic and depressive episodes vary based on the type of bipolar disorder you have (page 60)
bullet The 7 types of people who should be in your support network … and 7 reasons you need as much support as possible from your family if you are going to achieve stability (page 64)
bullet Why your sleeping habits have a huge impact on your bipolar episodes … and 10 things you should be doing to maximize the amount of quality sleep you get (page 48)
bullet 26 reasons that having bipolar disorder can be a blessing in disguise … and how to use the things you’re learning to achieve a “normal” and productive life (page 66)
bullet Easy-to-understand definitions of 36 common terms you need to understand to effectively manage your bipolar disorder (pages 72-76)
bullet The Bipolar Stability Equation … and how to find the right combination of factors for you to prevent an episode (page 55)
bullet The three best websites you should visit if you’re serious about stopping bipolar disorder from destroying your life (page 15)
bullet 4 worksheets you can use to reduce the severity and frequency of your bipolar episodes … and protect yourself from some of the negative consequences (page 80-83)
bullet The 13 most frequently asked questions about living with bipolar disorder (pages 68-70)
bullet 14 key resources for people with bipolar disorder and their families (page 91-92)

I’ve packed this helpful handful with the most pertinent information you need to achieve stability with your bipolar disorder. The lessons you’ll learn in this one-of-a-kind resource can make the difference between being able to live a full and rich life … and merely existing.

The FIRST 50 People Who Get “The 7 Secrets Guide”, Will Get $354.00 in
FREE Bonus Gifts

When you get my 7 secrets guide, and you’re one of the first 50 people, you’ll also get these incredible FREE Bonus Gifts, digitally delivered and valued at $354.00.

FREE Bonus Gift #1: Major Bipolar Success Story #1 —Michele Soloway (A $75.00 Value)

It’s so important that you saturate your mind with success stories of people with bipolar disorder. I have heard a lot of success stories but this is probably the biggest I have to date.

Between the ages of 16 and 45, Michele was diagnosed with the following mental illnesses:

  • Depression (also situational depression)
  • Dysthmic disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Schizoaffective disorder
  • Chronic major depression (with suicide risk)
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Adult ADHD
  • Multiple personality disorder
  • Psychosis NOS
  • Substance abuse
  • Bipolar Disorder I (with and without Psychotic Features)
  • Bipolar Disorder II (with Suicidal Ideologies)
  • Bipolar Disorder—Mixed Type
  • Bipolar Disorder—Rapid Cycle
  • Bipolar Disorder—NOS, with Auditory & Visual Hallucinations

She had been divorced 5 times, homeless, addicted to drugs AND alcohol and really suffering.

BUT, this was all before 2003. In 2003, she began taking charge of her life and getting her bipolar disorder under control and other mental illnesses. She has at least 6.

Today, Michele is stable, helps others manage their bipolar disorder, helps people get off drugs and alcohol, and teaches people how to get control of their lives. She owns her own home and car, runs a home-based business, takes care of herself and her family, and is financially independent.

Michele once told me that “they” wanted to permanently institutionalize her forever.

I wanted to include this story because I seriously doubt your situation or story is as bad as hers. I have been doing this for a long time and have never seen anyone overcome so much and be a HUGE SUCCESS!

Michele is an incredible role model and an example of what people can accomplish, even if they have everything going against them. In this case study, she will share the “tips and tricks” she has developed that helped her to overcome the incredible odds against her and become the highly functional, stable woman she is today.

FREE Bonus Gift #2: Major Bipolar Success Story — Mrs. X (A $75.oo Value)

I can’t tell you her name right now because she has a job that is confidential. When you listen however, you’ll hear her name. In this FREE Bonus gift, you’ll hear an amazing, and I mean amazing story of a woman who went from doing well, to losing it all (husband, kids, jobs, etc), to now getting it all back plus more. She has a great life and has an incredible job.

You’ll discover:

  • Why people with bipolar disorder need to work. You probably won’t ever hear this from a doctor
  • The right and the wrong way to work if you have bipolar disorder
  • The number one key to this woman’s success
  • How she supported herself when her husband left her and she was thrown out of the hospital. This is an amazing technique
  • WARNING! Have children or want them? Discover the shocking truth about how her husband used bipolar disorder against her to get her kids and what she did about it

and a ton more.

In addition to these success stories, you’ll get these FREE Bonus Gifts:

FREE Gift#3: Special Report “The Shocking Truth About Disability and Bipolar Disorder” (A $35.00 Value)

Thinking about disability? Are you on disability now? Well you better look out! Disability can be a HUGE problem for you. In this special report you’ll learn:

bullet How disability can actually make those with Bipolar Disorder get worse.
bullet How to make more than what disability pays you legally.
bullet What you should, NEVER, and I mean NEVER EVER do when you are on disability.
bullet The #1 thing you must do if you are on disability and can’t work at all.
bullet How to test yourself to see if disability has made you worse and what to do if it has.
bullet What you need to never, EVER do if you are a supporter helping someone obtain disability.
bullet Why people on disability may experience, MORE depression once they get it.
bullet When you should get off disability.
bullet And many more, shocking things that you simply will never hear anywhere else on this planet.

This report is going to be so shocking to you; you won’t be able to put it down. After you read it, you are going to be dumbfounded and angry about why you weren’t told this before. I am not kidding. Disability is one of the #1 things that makes people WORSE on bipolar disorder. BUT I am not against it IF you know what’s in this report.

FREE Gift #4: Special Report “The Number One Thing You Need to Know About Natural Treatments for Bipolar Disorder” (A $50.00 Value)

One of the biggest fears voiced by people who are struggling with their bipolar diagnosis is that they’ll need to take medications for the rest of their life. That’s why there’s a lot of buzz in the bipolar disorder community about natural treatments for the disorder. In this insightful report, you’ll get an easy-to-understand, honest look at the all-natural therapy option … and how to tell if this is the right choice for you.

FREE Gift #5: Special Report “How to Explain Bipolar Disorder to People Who Don’t Understand It” (A $15.00 Value)

One of the hardest – but most important – things you have to do is talk to your loved ones about bipolar disorder. It’s critical for your recovery that the people closest to you understand how the disorder works and how it impacts your thinking and behavior. In this FREE gift, I explain how to have this discussion and how to present the information in a way that makes them understanding and accepting of you and your disorder.

FREE Gift #6: Special Report “How to Ethically and Easily Hide Your Bipolar Disorder So Others Don’t Know You Have It (Unless You Choose to Tell Them)” (A $50.00 Value)

One of the biggest fears that people with bipolar disorder share is that they’ll be shunned and ridiculed for being “crazy.” And the sad fact is that yes, there are things that people with bipolar disorder do and say that make it apparent to others that something is “wrong” with them. In this unique resource, you’ll discover the simple things you can do to mask the outward symptoms of your disorder … so that the only way people will know you have bipolar is if you choose to tell them.

FREE Gift #7: Bipolar Success and Inspiration Stories (A $39.00 Value)

One of the reasons why I am including this FREE Bonus is because I want you to hear about a lot of success. To often you’ll hear negative stuff about bipolar disorder. You’ll probably even hear that success is “impossible.” You may start to believe that yourself. I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.

I have over 5000 success stories submitted to me that I compiled in a gigantic book that is 343 pages. They are from people all over the world. All over from New Zealand, to Florida, to Texas to Africa, to South America, to Greenland, to California…all over.

When you review these, you’ll get this feeling of “you can do it.” If you are ever down, look at these stories. These people prove that YOU can be successful.

FREE Bonus #8: Printable versions of all Bonuses (A $15.00 Value).

Hate reading on your computer screen? Don’t worry about it. Why? well I have setup everything so that it’s optimized to be read or printed for your PC or MAC. So if you want, you can print it out, bind it, and go over it without causing yourself eye-strain.

What’s It Worth To Become Successful With Bipolar Disorder?

It took me close to six months of full-time research to unearth all of the secrets and strategies you get in 7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder.

And it took an extra 12 months after that to figure out which of the strategies I learned during my massive research would be the most important ones to use when first starting your recovery from bipolar disorder.

When I factor in the amount of time I took off from running my business … the number of books I had to buy … the number of doctors and other bipolar experts I had to pay to interview, well, the cost to compile this information is astronomical. I’d conservatively estimate that I’ve spent at least $150,000 on bipolar research since 2003.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you this because I want you to feel sorry for me. I know that I am really fortunate that I was able to invest this kind of time and money into helping my mom. You really can’t put a price on the value of helping someone you love get their life back to “normal.”

But you already know that, don’t you? Wouldn’t you invest whatever it takes … and spend as much time as you have to if it means finally breaking the chokehold that bipolar disorder has on your life?

Of course you would.

But I also know that you might have a limited amount of money to invest in resources right now. You’re probably overwhelmed by the doctors’ bills, medication costs, and unpaid time you’ve had to take from work to attend all of your appointments. Heck, you may have even lost your job because of your bipolar disorder.

Don’t Decide Now...
You Can Get My 7 Secrets To Living With Bipolar Disorder Sent To You FREE

I'm so sure that you will love this guide, I'm willing to do something that everyone who works with me thinks is "crazy."

I'd like to send you a copy of this guide to review for FREE. That's right, NO MONEY.

Here's what I'm going to do for you:

I'm going to send you ONE copy of this guide at MY RISK.

If you like it, keep it. You'll be billed automatically for the full price of $49.95...which is 38% off the price I will be offering it out in the future.

After your FREE review trial period, you can get your personal copy of 7 Secrets to Living with Bipolar Disorder for 14 cents a day. That’s right – you get the keys to freedom from bipolar disorder for the equivalent of the spare change you’d find in your couch cushions.

When you consider that every doctor or therapy appointment you go to costs at least $150 an hour … you can see how much of a bargain this guide is. That’s why it makes sense to reserve your copy now. Best of all, your investment is protected by my total-satisfaction, 100%-risk-free guarantee …

If you don't like it for any reason whatsoever, just send it back within 30 days, and you won't be charged (Don't worry, if the mail takes too long, and I get it back 31 or 35 days later and you've been charged, I'll give you a full refund). I am not trying to give you a hard time.

All I ask if she cover the shipping and handling for me to send the guide to you.

Can it get any better?

Of course it can...

After The Risk FREE Trial,
Your Investment Is Backed by an Iron-Clad,
100%, 120-Day, Total-Satisfaction-or-
DOUBLE-Your-Money-Back Guarantee

If you decide to keep the guide, take the next 120 days to go through every bit of information I’ve included in 7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder. Take notes, and test some of the strategies and techniques for yourself.

If you don’t agree that 7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder gives you the blueprint you need to get started on the road to reliable, steady recovery, I demand that you ask for your money back.

Better Than Risk FREE Guarantee

Even if you do ask for a refund, you’ll be able to keep and have $354 in FREE Bonus Gifts that you got. That will be my way of saying “thank you” for giving my material a try. So there is no way that you can come out losing on this. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.

Why am I doing this? Well I want to help people with bipolar disorder. I really feel that “the system” has worked against them for so many years and I want to do something about it.

So far people love what I have put out. I am really excited about it and feel I am making a big impact.

I have more than 5,000 testimonials on file from people I’ve helped over the past few years.


I really want to entice as many people to get this guide as fast as possible and that’s why I am making this incredible offer. In addition to being able to get it for a FREE Trial, and keeping the FREE Bonuses if you are unhappy and return it, I am offering an unheard of DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

If you find another resource, guide, book, etc., that delivers more information and more value, I will mail you a check for $49.95 just let me know what it is and how it does.

BUT this is only for the first 50 people who get this guide.


Here's the deal. I want to get this new guide into the hands of 50 people RIGHT AWAY. My friends, the people who work for me with Bipolar Disorder and my mom love this guide. But I want to make sure others will love it.

My goal is to then make this into a regular book and try to get on TV.

So I am willing to send out “REVIEW” copies for FREE.

Here’s What People Are Saying About
Me And My Information On Bipolar Disorder

I have thousands of testimonials submitted, about my many courses and guides on bipolar disorder. Here’s just a SMALL sampling.

“I Highly Recommend Getting Your Hands on Anything David Oliver Has Out There...”

If you have bipolor or you know someone who does, I highly recommend getting your hands on anything David Oliver has out there. He has helped to salvage my relationship with a man who has suffered with bipolar alone for 20 years, and also shown that same man that someone can understand what he goes through. He is not the only one with this problem.

–Joanne, SC


“There Is No Reason That I Can’t Succeed...”

It has helped me by showing me that there is no reason that I can’t succeed just because I have bipolar disorder….If you want to own your condition and understand it, stick with David Oliver...he’s definitely one of the good guys!

–Mikki, MO


“Everyone Should Read Your Story...”

your material has definitely helped myself and my husband. we are new to all of this and it is soothing to know i am not the only one who acts the way i do and your information for the ones who are supporters has gotten my husband involved and even able to say the words my wife has a mental illness…i think everyone should read your story it makes the person with bipolar see through others eyes…

–Ronalda, IA


“There Is Info To Suit Everyone’s Needs...”

I have BiPolar, and I feel that the information Dave sends out is Very Informitive….He has done a lot of Work on this. And what he does I know is Costly. And anyone that has or deals with a Friend or Loved one knows that is Very Costly. But I DO by All Means Recomend Dave’s Courses or Whatever else you may find helpful. There is info. to suit everyone’s needs.

–Ruth, IA


“A Lot of Helpful Tips...”

i would really recommend david’s courses to anybody going thru bipolar or someone you know or love that is going thru it...it has alot of helpful tips that really helped me out alot!

–Jalene Dugal, IL


“The Author Has Been There!...”

This course is personal; the author has been there! He has put together information that is clear,to the point and easy to follow. Everyone who is affected by BPD should seize the chance to do his courses. It is the ONLY source I have found that speaks to me in a personal way without dragging me thru’ pages of philosophical, theoretical or medical jargon.

–lucy, Canada

“Thank You So Much...”

Dear David,
I would like to let you know that if it was not for your course material you have emailed me i woulnd not have understud half of what i know about bipolar thankyou so much....If I knew another person with bipolar i would certainly recomend them to you sight to help them understand what they are going through and of course not to mention what there family go through.

–Sheila, Great Britain

“It Is Worth It...”

I think that your courses are very helpful…This program may seem at first like a lot of reading, but it is worth it.

–Corrin, Canada

“Far Above Any Shrink’s Help...”

Dave’s Bipolar course, is far above any shrink’s help. Not that they don’t do, they can’t take this much time to explain it. By the time the sessions start, a BIPOLAR, or a supportter of a Bipolar are at their wits end, then it is time to leave. Most therapist have 15-30 minutes, with you. This course you can do at your own leisure as many times as you are willing to read and give it a try.

–Deborah, TN

“Hits the Nail on the Head Every Time...”

David Oliver’s course regarding coping techniques and strategies along with general information about mental health is exactly what my wife and I needed. He hits the nail on the head every time and has proven to our family in a short amount of time that there is hope for families caught in the grips of some horrible disorder. David, you are a good man and I thank you for what you are doing for the lost and confused, the frustrated and overwhelmed.

–Alfred Menchaca, TX

“Fast Track the Learning Process...”

I would recommend your course to anyone who is new to dealing with Bipolar Discorder. I think it will help them fast track the learning process....

–Deana Mahomes-Peoples, GA

“Worth Every Penny!...”

David, what you are doing DOES make a difference..I received my order and started reading immediately. Thank you! Your course has all the information and resources you promised. I am an internet research specialist and info junkie. I searched and searched the web for information but did NOT find ANYthing close to what you have in your course. Worth every penny!...

–Debra, NH

“I Have Learned A Lot From You...”

A little over a year ago, I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder. I had no idea what it was…I have been on several websites and have been doing research. Then I happen to come accross your web page and signed up for the course. I have learned a lot from you and appreciate all that you have done…You don’t have to do what you are doing, but I am glad to have someone helping me on thier spare or not spare time. You are kind to help others and you have helped me…I will recomend this site to others if I find someone who needs help understanding the disorder. You are doing a great job, so keep it up.

–Cynthia, TN

“...Help for This Cruel and Sometimes Deadly Disease...”

I would recommend your courses to anyone that is in need of help for this cruel and sometimes deadly disease....

–Randolph, FL

“Your Course on Bipolar Has Helped Me a Great Deal...”

Hello your course on bipolar has helped me a great deal by explaining what bipolar is and how it effects me and others that care about me.I have bipolar and i need all the information i can get so i can help myself and teach others about it so they know how to understand me a lot better.So thank you very much....

–Mary, Canada

“...Really Illuminates the Points about Bipolar...”

The course material really illuminates the points about bipolar and you learn once and for all that this is a chemical imbalance that cannot be treated without edication ultimately, in severe cases

–Lisa, NY

“...Helps Me Cope with It Better...”

I like Dave’s course on Bipolar Disorder. It really helps me to read all the information I can on this subject; somehow, it helps me cope with it better. If anyone can find the information, for birolar disorder, I’d say, “Dave can”!…I recommend Dave’s [course] on Bipolar to anyone who has to deal with it in one form or another. It helps to know.

–Starla, OH

“No Mumbo Jumbo...”

When you have Bipolar it can be confusing and hectic enough, but when you have to be around someone who has the illness that can be extreme, not to mention frustrating, unsure etc. Dave’s information has helped my family to not only be more open about the illness but also more accepting of my behaviours. When reading any of Dave’s simple but informative writings’ there is no mumbo jumbo but plenty of helpful ideas and information.

–Brooke, Australia

“...Practical Advice...”

David’s course provides some practical advise on creating a plan and structure for coping with bipolar disorder.

–Jennifer, OH

“...All the Things I Was Feeling Had a Name...”

it made me relies all the things i was feeling had a name and that i was not crazy…your course is very informational and some days i sit back and say “thats me “.i would recommend your information to others. It would help them greatly.

–Richard, OH

“David Is Always Thinking of Others...”

David’s course along with his personal attention and dedication to his clients and everyone in need is very amazing and unusual in this modern age where most people only think of themselves. David is always thinking of others and has dedicated his lift to helping others. I highly recommend his courses.

–Cal G., KS

What Do You Want Your Life to Be Like
30 Days From Now?

When I stop and look back at the journey my family has been forced to take because of my mom’s bipolar disorder, it’s very easy to see exactly when we got off the roller coaster and started driving on the road to success.

The day our fortune turned was the day that I met someone who told me that you can be successful with bipolar disorder and many people have and ignore all the nay Sayers and negative people.

From that point we took a proactive approach to learning as much as I could about bipolar disorder.

The simple fact is … the more you know about your disorder, the more likely it is that you’ll achieve stability – and the faster you’ll become stable.

If you don’t really care about achieving any regular stability – if you’re OK with being at the mercy and whims of this fickle disorder – then stop reading right now.

But if getting your life back to some semblance of normal is important to you, you owe it to yourself, your family and your friends to invest in a copy of 7 Secrets to Successfully Living with Bipolar Disorder. You’ll discover the 7 most important strategies you need to begin using today to claim your life back.

Don’t Wait!
This Is A Limited Time Offer

Don’t wait, get started with your Risk FREE Trial today! This offer is limited and I am only guaranteeing this offer for the first 50 people. After that, I’ll be raising the price to the normal selling price of up to $79.00 and taking away certain bonuses and getting rid of the Risk FREE trial. Everything that I am offering puts a lot of financial risk on my shoulders. I hope you can understand.

Claim your risk FREE Trial copy of 7 Secrets to
Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder now!

To your success,

David Oliver
Author, 7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder

P.S. Remember, your investment in 7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder is risk-free. If you decide that you’d rather figure out your own system for managing your bipolar disorder, just send the course back within 120 days for total refund of your money (less S/H). Click here to order now.

P.P.S. If you are one of the first 50 people to get your copy of 7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder, you instantly qualify to receive more than $450 in FREE gifts. These are yours to keep … even if you decide that you don’t want to keep the 7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder.

P.P.P.S Read more of what others have to say:

“...I would recommend your new letter to others...”

You do give good info about bipolar. While I have been dealing with bipolar for a number of years it can help to get a different view on things. I am schizo affective diorder/bipolar type and 2 of my teens (ages 15 and 17) are also bipolar disorder...I would recommend your new letter to others who I would get some good from it.

–Mary, NE


“...you have done so much for my family and I...”

Before I came to your forum I was lost, My daughter had bipolar…Since reading your course and all the information I have gained, I have been able to express myself to the Dr better at what I am seeing and he is starting to see that too. I have also forwarded you forum to my son in law and the Dr and they have both read alot on here and let me tell you, even the Dr told me he learned alot and he has been working at an institution that deals with bipolar people all the time...you have done so much for my family and I...I have used some of the skills that I have learned from you to deal with [my daughter] and it is working…Thank you so Much for all the help your course has provided me to understand better what it is my daughter has. When she was diagnosed I joined a support group here for people that are dealing with a loved one with bipolar and I must say that over a year of going I have not learned half as much as I have reading you words…I have recommended you site to not only my son in law and my daughter, but to her Dr and to a couple of friends that I am positive have bipolar and they both have been diagnosed with it

–Delores, Canada


“I think your information is excellent...”

I think your information is excellent and it has helped me to understand more about this disorder.

–Ron, NE


“...It makes you switch on a light bulb!”

I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 month ago - I fought with it all my life, without knowing what it was, no doctor ever told me. I am 66 years old and finally found out. Your information helped me a lot to learn how to deal with it... But the information you sent where very helpful - Thank you!…Good, helpful information. It makes you switch on a light bulb!

–Erika, WI

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7 Secrets to Living Successfully with Bipolar Disorder today

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